• 2898 reviews
SmartVideo For YouTube™
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SmartVideo For YouTube™
SmartVideo For YouTube™

SmartVideo Chrome Extension: Enhance Your Video Streaming Experience

When it comes to online entertainment, video streaming has become a popular choice for people to consume their favorite content . However, sometimes the video buffering, quality, and playback options may not meet our expectations. This is where the Smart Video Chrome extension comes in to save the day.

Smart Video Features

Smart Video is a powerful Chrome extension that works seamlessly with all embedded and HTML5 YouTube video s. Whether you're watching a video on Facebook or directly on the YouTube site, Smart Video enhances your stream ing experience with its outstanding features.

  1. Custom Buffering Strategies: With global preferences, you have full control over how YouTube video s start playing. You can choose to start the video as soon as the page loads, wait for the video to be completely buffered, or let Smart Video decide the optimal time based on your internet speed. You can even choose to buffer the video when the page loads and play it whenever you want.
  2. Individual and Global Preferences: Smart Video allows you to set buffer strategies for individual YouTube players as well as apply them globally. Simply hover your mouse over any YouTube video to access these options.
  3. Time Left Notification: Smart Video calculates the time left before a video starts playing. This nifty feature helps you plan your time accordingly while waiting for your favorite video to load.
  4. Quality and Size Selection: You can set default video quality or size based on your preference. This ensures that you always enjoy your video s in the best resolution.
  5. Loop Option: Want to loop a video on repeat? Smart Video has got you covered with its loop option available on all YouTube video s.
  6. Separate Preferences for Embedded Video s: Smart Video allows you to customize buffer strategies and settings specifically for embedded video s, ensuring a tailored experience for all types of video content.
  7. HD Switching on Fullscreen: You can enable or disable the option to switch to HD quality when entering fullscreen mode, giving you full control over your video playback experience.

User Reviews and Feedback

Looking at the user reviews of the Smart Video Chrome extension, it is evident that the majority of users have had a positive experience with the app. Users have praised the app for its ability to enhance video buffering, quality, and playing options.

One user, Maria Mason, expressed her initial hesitation based on reviews but was pleasantly surprised by how well the extension worked on her Chrome book. She emphasized that YouTube finally worked the way she wanted it to work and thanked the developers for their efforts.

However, it's important to note that some users have encountered issues with the extension . User Josué Magdiel Joachin Macías reported an annoyance where the extension opens the settings page every time the computer is turned on. Despite this issue, the user acknowledged that the extension is useful and requested a fix.

It's worth mentioning that the developers actively address user feedback and regularly release updates to fix bugs and improve the extension . The change logs reflect their commitment to providing a better user experience.


The Smart Video Chrome extension is a must-have for anyone who wants to enhance their video streaming experience. With its array of features and ability to customize buffering, quality, and playing options, Smart Video puts you in control of your online entertainment. While there may be a few minor issues reported by some users, the overall positive feedback and continuous updates from the developers make this extension a top recommendation.

So why settle for a mediocre video streaming experience when you can have the Smart Video advantage? Try it out and enjoy a seamless, customizable, and enjoyable video streaming experience on Chrome !

Better control over YouTube buffering, quality, and playing options.

Works with all embedded/HTML5 YouTube videos.

Can set buffer strategies for individual YouTube players or as global preferences.

Quality selection not available for HTML5 videos.

Not associated with YouTube or Google Inc in any way.

2898 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Miklós Menyhárt

Not working...dont do anything.

jer none

did nothing. but its funny how youtube will buffer the ads. its seems buffering is impossible no matter what app you have. even on fiberoptic its slow with out buffering no website will let you buffer its b,,,,


the extension seems to be broken, since if i active this extension, videos on fullscreen become fully black, shorts become fully black or dont play and to prove that, when i deactived this extension everything i said worked just fine


doesnt work

A Silva

Doesn't work


So this extension no longer works, and it creates an element named "skeleton-theater" and causes a big invisible block to be in front of a video you're watching, causing you not to be able to pause or interact with the video. Don't install, unless they update it.


makes my youtube screen go black in full-screen, i had to disable my extensions one by one till i found this culprit

Mr. September

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It should be removed if it doesn't get updated. It was updated years ago.

Ryan Fitzpatrick

straight up does not work, does not force buffering no matter the settings changed


Anyone has a recommendation that brings back full video buffering when paused?

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